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Innovate with the most advanced ophthalmological examination by teleconsultation

The Tessan teleophthalmology table

Our Tessan teleophthalmology table is designed to enable patients to carry out a complete visual check-up via an ophthalmology teleconsultation with an authorized healthcare professional.

The table is modular, enabling the optician to mount the videoconferencing pylon on the left or right side of the table.

Functional requirements

Teleophthalmology table operation requires a privacy room, internet connectivity a power supply.


Depending on model:
Size in mm: 1425x2115x1310

Installation and use

The table is delivered directly to the address of your choice, and needs to be set up. This takes about half a day. Once the Internet connection has been set up, you're ready to start teleconsulting.

Visionix table with tessan
The Tessan teleophthalmology table
The Tessan augmented teleophthalmology table

Tessan technology for an optimized patient experience

Discover all the features of the Tessan ophthalmology table to give patients easier access to high-quality medical care, with complete autonomy:

Carte vitale reader

Patient identification for better care via the carte vitale reader. Patient account creation and updating. Data security and RGPD compliance.

Integrated teleconsultation system

Direct connection to the first available doctor.

Remote activation and control of connected medical devices

Activate the following 4 devices for a quality examination: retinograph, tonometer, frontofocometer and refractor.

Prescription accessible from patient area

Prescription if necessary.

A Tessan teleconsultation table means

Satisfied, independent patients

An optimal, worry-free experience for your patients, guaranteeing autonomy, comfort, confidentiality and security.

A sober, elegant design

A sober, elegant design for natural integration into the pharmacy.

A differentiating service

A new, fast and simple service that patients have come to expect.

Additional sales

Increase your patient flow by expanding your catchment area.

So that the healthcare pathway is no longer an obstacle course.

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